To do a Bonus calculation in the 'Advanced Calculator' mode:
- Employer Name - Enter the Employer's name.
- Payroll Payment Date (DD/MM/YYYY) - Confirm or edit the payroll payment date. This will default to the current date.
Employee Payroll Information
- Employee Name - Enter the Employee's name. This field is optional - a blank field will be accepted by the application. If a value is entered, it will appear as the 'Payee' on the Payroll Advice screen showing the results for the calculation.
- Social Insurance Number - Enter the employee's Social Insurance Number (SIN). If a value is entered, it will appear on the Payroll Advice screen showing the results for the calculation. If you wish to validate a SIN before calculating the payroll deductions, enter the SIN and click on the 'Validate' button beside the field. The entered number will be validated and a message will appear to inform you whether the entered number is a valid SIN or not. Employers should note that they are required to obtain valid Social Insurance Numbers from all employees.
- Pay Periods - Select the number of pay periods. A browser 'cookie' will be stored on your computer so that the same Pay Period definition will be automatically selected as the default when you use the webTOD application in the future.
- Prov of Employment - Select the province of employment. A browser 'cookie' will be stored on your computer so that the same Province/Territory will be automatically selected as the default when you use the webTOD application in the future. The appropriate Province or Territory of Employment is usually the province/territory where the Employer is located, or where the Employee is required to report for work. If an Employee works from home and is not required to report for work at the Employer's workplace, then the Province/Territory of Employment is the Employee's province of residence.
- Total Claim Amount - Select the appropriate Federal Tax Credit Claim Code from the list. The default Claim Code 1 (Basic Claim Amount) will be used if you do not select an alternate Claim Code. The Claim Code is based on the Total Claim Amount from the Employee's federal TD1 form which should be filed with the Employer. Select the Claim Code corresponding to the range within which the Employee's Total Claim Amount falls. Note that employers are required to obtain a completed and signed federal TD1 form from all employees, however a new TD1 form is not required each year if the employee's Total Claim Amount does not change from the previous year.
- Total income less than claim amount - If the employee's total income for the year from ALL employers and payers will be less than the Total Claim Amount on line 12 of their TD1, then the employee will indicate this in the appropriate section on the back of the TD1. If so, then the employer or payer should not deduct any federal tax from the employee's earnings. If the employee has checked this box on the back of the Federal TD1, you can indicate this by clicking on this box to place a checkmark in it, and webTOD will NOT calculate a deduction for federal tax.
- Deduction for living in prescribed zone - Enter the amount to deduct for the annual deduction for living in a prescribed zone from the appropriate section on the back of the employee's TD1. This amount is used in determining the Employee's estimated annual taxable income.
- Requested additional tax deduction - Enter the amount of the Employee's requested additional tax deduction per period, which the Employee requests by filling in the appropriate amount on back of the Federal TD1 form. The amount entered will be added to the calculated federal and provincial/territorial tax deductions for each pay period.
- Reduction in annual amount subject to income tax - Enter the amount of an approved reduction in the annual amount subject to income tax for the Employee. This approved reduction must be evidenced by a letter from a tax services office, a copy of which should be retained by the Employee in the Employee's payroll file. This amount is used in determining the Employee's estimated annual taxable income.
- Other federal tax credit(s) - Enter the amount of approved other federal tax credit(s) for the Employee. The approved credit(s) must be evidenced by a letter from a tax services office, a copy of which should be retained by the Employee in the Employee's payroll file.
- Total Claim Amount - Select the appropriate Provincial/Territorial Tax Credit Claim Code from the list. The default Claim Code 1 (Basic Claim Amount) will be used if you do not select an alternate Claim Code. The Claim Code is based on the Total Claim Amount from the Employee's Provincial or Territorial TD1P form which should be filed with the Employer. Select the Claim Code corresponding to the range within which the Employee's Total Claim Amount falls.
- Total income less than claim amount - If the employee's total income for the year from ALL employers and payers will be less than the Total Claim Amount on line 12 of their TD1P, then the employee will indicate this in the appropriate section on the back of the TD1P. If so, then the employer or payer should not deduct any provincial (except Quebec) tax from the employee's earnings. If the employee has checked this box on the back of the Provincial/Territorial TD1P, you can indicate this by clicking on this box to place a checkmark in it, and webTOD will NOT calculate a deduction for provincial (except Quebec) tax.
- Other provincial tax credit(s) - Enter the amount of approved other provincial tax credit(s) for the Employee. The approved credit(s) must be evidenced by a letter from a tax services office, a copy of which should be retained by the Employee in the Employee's payroll file.
TP1015.3-V (Quebec employees only)
- TP1015.3-V Line 10 Amount - Enter the amount from line 10 of the Employee's TP-1015.3-V.
- Total income less than claim amount - If the employee's total income for the year from ALL employers and payers will be less than the Total Claim Amount on line 10 of the TP-1015.3-V times 1.25 plus the amount on line 19, then the employee will indicate this in box 20 on the form. If so, then the employer or payer should not deduct any Quebec tax from the employee's earnings. If the employee has checked this box on the TP-1015.3-V form, you can indicate this to webTOD by clicking on this box on the webTOD screen to place a checkmark in it, and webTOD will NOT calculate a deduction for Quebec tax.
- Requested additional tax deduction (line 11) - Enter the amount of the Employee's requested additional tax deduction per period, which the Employee requests by filling in the appropriate amount on line 11 of the TP-1015.3-V form. The amount entered will be added to the calculated Quebec tax deductions for each pay period.
- Additional deductions/credits (line 19) - Enter the amount from line 19 of the Employee's TP-1015.3-V. This amount represents deductions to be taken into account by the employer to calculate source deductions, such as the housing deduction for residents of designated remote areas and deductible support payments.
- TP-1016-V annual deductions (line 10) - Enter the amount from line 10 of the Employee's TP-1016-V, which must be completed by an individual that would like Revenu Quebec to authorize an employer or payer to reduce the amount of income tax withheld at source. This amount represents the annual deductions authorized by Revenu Quebec, such as contributions to an RRSP and employment expenses.
- TP-1016-V annual tax credits (line 15) - Enter the amount from line 15 of the Employee's TP-1016-V, which must be completed by an individual that would like Revenu Quebec to authorize an employer or payer to reduce the amount of income tax withheld at source. This amount represents the annual tax credits authorized by Revenu Quebec, such as the tax credit respecting a labour-sponsored fund and tax credits for donations or gifts.
Exemptions - If the Employee is exempt from CPP/QPP, EI, or QPIP (Quebec), check the appropriate box.
- Use YTD payroll amounts - Click on this box to use year-to-date deductions. Amounts entered in these fields are used only to determine if the annual limits have been reached when calculating deductions for the current pay period.
- YTD CPP/QPP deducted - Enter the total amount of Employee CPP/QPP contributions deducted from previous payrolls during the current year.
- YTD EI deducted - Enter the total amount of Employee EI contributions deducted from previous payrolls during the current year.
- YTD QPIP deducted (Quebec only) - Enter the total amount of Employee QPIP contributions deducted from previous payrolls during the current year.
- YTD Prescribed labour-sponsored fund purchases - Enter the total amount of Employee prescribed labour-sponsored fund purchases deducted from previous payrolls during the current year.
Current Period Payroll Amounts
- Gross Salary/Wages - Enter the Employee's most recent regular salary/wages per pay period in order to be able to properly estimate the Employee's annual taxable income and calculate the amount of tax deductions applicable to the Bonus.
- Paid vacation - Enter the amount of any vacation pay being paid out for the current pay period. For example, if vacation pay is paid in every pay period as a percentage of the gross earnings, include the calculated vacation pay amount in this field. Do NOT include vacation pay amounts that relate to more than one pay period.
- Current bonus payable - Enter the amount of the current bonus (or other non-periodic lump-sum payment). If you are calculating the tax deductions for a Bonus that is being paid as a lump-sum payment separately from the Employee's regular paycheque, you must also enter the Employee's most recent regular salary/wages per pay period in the Gross Salary/Wages field in order to be able to properly estimate the Employee's annual taxable income and calculate the amount of tax deductions applicable to the Bonus.
- Total of previous bonus(es) recd in tax year - Enter the amount of any previous bonus(es) paid to the Employee during the current year.
- Taxable cash benefits - Enter the amount of any taxable cash benefits paid for the current pay period. Normally only cash benefits (e.g. taxable auto allowances, living allowances) are considered to be insurable for EI.
- Taxable non-cash benefits - Enter the amount of any taxable non-cash benefits received by the Employee for the current pay period. Most benefits in kind (non-cash benefits) are not insurable for EI.
- Show Bonus Deductions Only - Click this box to only show deductions from the bonus amount on the calculation results page. If unchecked, deductions for both the gross wages/salary and bonus amounts will appear on the calculation results page. This will default to only showing bonus deductions.
- RPP/RRSP contribution - Enter the amount of Registered Pension Plan (RPP) or Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributions to be deducted from the Employee's paycheque for the current pay period.
- Alimony/maintenance pmts - Enter the amount of any Alimony or Family Maintenance payments to be deducted from the Employee's paycheque for the current pay period.
- Union dues - Enter the amount of Union dues to be deducted from the Employee's paycheque for the current pay period.
- Labour-sponsored fund purchase - Enter the amount of Labour-sponsored fund purchases to be deducted from the Employee's paycheque for the current pay period.
- RRSP,etc. deducted from Bonus - For calculations of payroll taxes on Bonuses, enter the amount of any additional Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributions or other taxable deductions to be deducted from the Bonus.
Comments - Enter any comments you wish to appear at the bottom of the Pay Advice.
- Confirm that you agree with the Terms & Conditions of the calculator.
- Click 'Calculate'.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk ( * ).