To open a new restriction form you can either:
1. From the 'Employee & Payroll' module, click on 'New Restrictions'.
2. From the Employee Form, click on 'Actions' and select 'New Restriction' from the drop down menu.
Once you have the form open:
- Select the Employee that the restriction applies to (if you opened the form from the Employee's record, the Employee name will already be selected and cannot be changed).
- Select the Customer that the restriction applies to.
- Select the job site(s) that the restriction applies to.
- Add any notes regarding the restriction. (e.g. Reason for restriction). Max. 250 characters.
- The 'Allow This Worker' check box can be used to allow an employee/worker to be added to a work order for a specific Customer and/or Site(s) if that employee/worker has a previous 'Active' restriction that applies to All Customers and All Sites (i.e. that employee/worker can ONLY be added to work orders for the specified Customer and/or Site(s)).
Click 'Save' to create the restriction or 'Save and new' to create the current restriction and load a new form to create another restriction.
Required fields are labeled with an asterisk ( * ).