
I think I found a bug! Who should I tell?

First, you should make sure that you can reproduce the bug - i.e. that the bug 'event' will occur consistently each time you do the same set of steps before the bug 'event' occurs. If you can reproduce the bug event consistently, you should then document in detail the exact sequence of steps you followed right up to the occurrence of the 'bug'. Next, you should check the webTOD support forum to see if the bug is already known and a suggested workaround is available. We have found that many reported 'bugs' are actually just related to incorrect web browser settings - such as active pop-up blocker software that has not been configured to allow webTOD to operate properly. If the bug you think you have discovered is not already discussed in our support forums, you can then report the bug to us - by posting it in our webTOD support forum, or sending an email to . Make sure that you include all the details of what steps you went through up to the occurrence of the bug. Also, please include information about the web browser that you are using (name and version no.), your operating system (name and version), and any 'add-on' software that may be affecting the operation of your web browser, such as pop-up blocker toolbars and internet security tools (e.g. Norton). Finally, please make sure to include a full description of any error message that appeared on your screen - i.e. the 'exact' text of the error message that appeared. If you are able to include a screenshot "capture" of the error message or condition, that may also aid us in troubleshooting the "bug".  If you have indeed found a bug in webTOD, we will make every effort to fix it as soon as possible.

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