
Adding a recurring deduction

To open a new recurring deduction form you can either:

1. From the 'Employees & Payroll' Module, click on 'Recurring Deduction Listing' and then the 'New' button.




2. From the Employee Form, click on 'Actions' and select 'New Recurring Deduction' from the drop down menu.


Once you have the form open:

  • Select the Employee from the drop down menu (if you opened the form from the Employee's record, the Employee name will already be selected and cannot be changed).
  • Select the type and method of deduction.
  • Enter the value of each recurring deduction. For "Fixed" method deductions this should be a dollar value (i.e. a fixed dollar amount that will be deducted from each payroll), for "% Gross" and "% Net" method deductions this should be a percentage value (i.e. a percentage of the gross or net earnings that will be deducted from each payroll).
  • If applicable, select the "Maximum monthly amount to be deducted" box and enter the dollar value. Recurring deductions for the month will stop when the total reaches this value.
  • If applicable, select the "Maximum total amount to be deducted" box and enter the dollar value. Recurring deductions will stop when the total amount deducted to date reaches this value.
  • "Start Date" will default to the current date.
  • "End Date" is not a required field. The deduction will continue until it reaches any value entered for "maximum total amount to be deducted" OR an "End Date" is entered.

When the form is complete click 'Save' to create the recurring deduction or 'Save and new' to create the current deduction and load a new form to create another deduction.


Required fields are labeled with an asterisk ( * ).

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