
Dispatch Module - Map

The Dispatch Module of ELF displays information that can be used by Dispatch personnel to monitor the activities and status of employees/workers dispatched to customer job sites for a specific date.

The mapping feature of the Dispatch Module is accessed by clicking on the 'Show Map' button at the top of the Employee Activity window.  It will show a Google map location of all employees and the customer job sites that they have been dispatched to for the selected date.


Blue circles on the map with a number indicate that there are several customer job site locations in that area.  To see the individual customer job site locations, click on the blue circle and the map will automatically zoom in to display the individual sites.

Red 'balloons' display the location of customer job sites with the number of employees that have been dispatched to work at that job site.  To see the names of the individual employees working at the customer job site, click on a red balloon.  The name of the customer and job site will be displayed along with the names of the individual employees working at the site.  To close the white box showing the details of the customer job site location, click on the 'x' at the top right of the box.


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